Competitive Landscape
Husqvarna, owned by Husqvarna Padure & Gradina SRL in Romania, remained the best performing brand in gardening in 2014, with a retail value sales share of 3%. Its retail value sales are represented by gardening power tools, one of the most rapidly growing products in gardening in Romania, and lawn mowers. The company benefits from wide distribution and strong brand recognition. The second most important player in gardening in Romania is Bosch, which is also mostly present within gardening power tools and lawn mowers. Gardena, a brand dedicated exclusively to gardening products, is owned by Husqvarna AB at the GBO level but by Madex International in Romania. The Gardena brand has a presence in the majority of the large chained retailers in the country, covering categories such as watering, gardening power tools, lawn mowers, and gardening hand tools.
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Industry Prospects
As gardening in Romania remains a relatively immature category, sales are expected to grow at a CAGR of 5% at constant 2014 prices over the forecast period, reaching RON577 million in 2019. This growth will be influenced by changing consumer lifestyles, with gardening coming to be increasingly regarded as a pleasant and fashionable activity among Romanians. Also, the preoccupation with healthy lifestyles and the return to nature of urban dwellers, will make the average Romanian consumer more likely to spend on gardening products.
Gardening Market Research
Analyse key trends and developments in Romania for all product categories, competitors and channels.Evaluate the market position and financial performance of the leading national and international market players.
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