Brazil will continue to offer numerous opp ortunities for power sector investors , despite a worsening of the country's economic recession. We hold a particularly positive outlook for the non-hydro renewables sector and the development of smart grids, underpinned by growing investor interest in the market. That said, high interest rates and continued currency weakness, along with a corruption investigation into public energy companies, will ma i ntain the power sector's growth rate below potential.
Latest Updates And Structural Trends
A government probe called 'Operation Radioactivity' is investigating allegations of corrupt contracting practices at Brazil's state-owned utility Eletrobras. A commission hired by Eletrobras to carry out an internal investigation is focusing on three Amazonian hydropower projects and the Angra 3 nuclear power plant. The probe is expected to be completed by end-2015 and could result in write-offs and delays to proje cts implementation.
Full Report Details at
It was announced in August 2015 Brazilian firms Odebrecht, Camargo Correa, Andrade Gutierrez and Queiroz Galvao would withdraw from the consortium selected to build Brazil's Angra 3 nuclear plant. The firms, which are being investigated over bribery charges under operation Lava Jato, cited non-payment by Eletronuclear as the reason for their decision. Accordingly, we revised down our growth forecast for the Brazilian nuclear sector.
The Brazil Power Report features BMI Research's market assessment and independent forecasts covering electricity generation (coal, gas, oil, nuclear, hydro and non-hydro renewables), electricity consumption, trade, transmission and distribution losses and electricity generating capacity.
The Brazil Power Report also analyses the impact of regulatory changes, recent developments and the background macroeconomic outlook and features competitive landscapes comparing national and multinational operators by sales, market share, investments, projects, partners and expansion strategies.
Key Benefits
* Use BMI's independent industry forecasts for Brazil to test other views - a key input for successful budgeting and strategic planning in the power market.
* Target business opportunities and risks Brazil's power sector through our reviews of latest power industry trends, regulatory changes, and major deals, projects and investments in Brazil.
* Assess the activities, strategy and market position of your competitors, partners and clients via our Competitive Landscape analysis.
BMI Industry View
Summary of BMI’s key industry forecasts, views and trend analysis, covering power markets, regulatory changes, major investments, projects and company developments.
Industry SWOT Analysis
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