In 2015 current value sales of herbal/traditional products grew by 1% to reach ¥362.7 billion. In Japan, the main type of ingredient in herbal/traditional remedies is Kampo. Kampo is a traditional medicine in Japan that focuses on improving individuals’ physical constitution. Kampo comprises various combinations of crude drugs from plants, minerals, fungus and others and is often considered to be more natural compared to chemical drugs. Kampo OTCs are commonly seen in categories such as cough, cold and allergy (hay fever) remedies and digestive remedies.
Competitive Landscape
Miki Corp continued to lead herbal/traditional products with a value share of 13% on the strength of its primary brand Miki in 2015. The main product from the Miki brand, Miki Prune, is a long-running prune extract in Japan. Since its first launch in 1972, Miki has expended its distribution network across Japan and established the leading position in herbal/traditional dietary supplements. At the end of the research period, extracts, powder sticks, supplements and an RTD format of Miki prune was confirmed. Miki Corp has employed famous actresses since 1996 and continuing promotion on TVCM was seen in 2015.
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Industry Prospects
Value sales of herbal/traditional products in Japan are expected to rise at a 1% CAGR at constant 2015 prices over the forecast period to reach ¥384.2 billion in 2020. Japanese consumers are becoming more familiar with Kampo remedies as more consumers are conscious about things they eat, and have come to prefer herbal/traditional products as they are usually considered more natural and gentle. On the prescription side, the growth is expected to be stronger in tandem with the increased awareness and popularity of Kampo clinics.
Report Overview
Discover the latest market trends and uncover sources of future market growth for the Herbal/Traditional Products industry in Japan with research from Euromonitor's team of in-country analysts.
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If you're in the Herbal/Traditional Products industry in Japan, our research will save you time and money while empowering you to make informed, profitable decisions.
The Herbal/Traditional Products in Japan market research report includes:
* Analysis of key supply-side and demand trends
* Detailed segmentation of international and local products
* Historic volumes and values, company and brand market shares
* Five year forecasts of market trends and market growth
* Robust and transparent market research methodology, conducted in-country
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