Stain remover products are available in various formats such as powders, liquids, bars, sticks, sprays, wipes, tablets, foams, packs, and gels. They generally contain enzyme preservatives, bleaches, coloring agents, surfactants, and fragrances depending on type. Spots and stains can be removed if treated at the right time and with right products. Fresh stains are easier to treat and vendors are focussing on pre-laundry treatment products, which are compact, portable, and convenient. Cautious stain removal keeps clothes fresh and in wearable condition for longer period of time and hence, helps reduce clothing costs.
Technavio's analysts forecast the global stain remover products market to grow at a CAGR of 2.51% over the period 2014-2019.
Covered in this report
This report covers the current scenario as well as the future growth prospects of the global stain remover products market, for the period 2015-2019. For the calculation of market size, the report has taken into consideration the sales revenue of stain remover products keeping 2014 as base year. The following are the geographic segments in which global stain remover products market are divided into, to calculate the market size for this report:
Full Report Details at
The report provides share of the available format of stain remover products:
Others (Sticks, sprays, wipes, tablets, foams, packs, and gels)
Technavio's report, Global Stain Remover Products Market 2015-2019, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers America, APAC, and EMEA; it also covers the landscape of the global stain remover products market and its growth prospects in the coming years. The report includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.
Key regions
Key vendors
Church & Dwight
Proctor & Gamble
Reckitt Benckiser
S.C. Johnson an Son
The Clorox Company
Other prominent vendors
ACE Gentle
CR Brands
Delta Carbona L.P.
Dr Beckmann
JK PYNK Accessories
The Honest Company
Key market driver
Increasing hygiene awareness
For a full, detailed list, view our report
Key market challenge
Saturated growth in developed countries
For a full, detailed list, view our report
Key market trend
Increased usage of eco-friendly products
For a full, detailed list, view our report
Key questions answered in this report
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Market Report, "Global Stain Remover Products Market 2015-2019", published
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