Laundry care current value sales increased by 2% in 2015 to reach EUR54 million, with average current unit prices rising by 1%, mostly due to rising production costs and inflation. Laundry care manufacturers are focusing on the continued development of high efficiency laundry care products, energy-saving and fabric protection through lower washing water temperatures. In addition, there is also an additional focus on developing new scents within laundry care products in a bid to strengthen the emotional attachment with consumers and increase brand loyalty.
Competitive Landscape
In 2015, Orbico, the official representative of Procter & Gamble brands, led laundry care sales, recording a value share of 45% thanks to its highly popular and diverse brand portfolio consisting of the Ariel, Lenor, Dash and Dreft brands. Henkel Slovenija ranked second with a value share of 24% thanks to its renowned laundry care brands Persil, Silan and Rex while Reckitt Benckiser Adriatic ranked third with a value share of 12% thanks to its Vanish, Ava, Woolite, Calgon and Quanto brands.
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Industry Prospects
Laundry care has a projected forecast period constant 2015 price value CAGR of just 1%, with value sales set to reach EUR56 million by 2020. Automatic detergents is set to remain the largest laundry care category over the forecast period with a 67% value share, with powder detergents set to continue dominating value sales and detergent tablets forecast to remain the fastest growing area. While more concentrated products might affect volume sales minimally, new product innovation will lead to higher unit prices and potentially help increase value sales over the forecast period.
Report Overview
Discover the latest market trends and uncover sources of future market growth for the Laundry Care industry in Slovenia with research from Euromonitor's team of in-country analysts.
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If you're in the Laundry Care industry in Slovenia, our research will save you time and money while empowering you to make informed, profitable decisions.
The Laundry Care in Slovenia market research report includes:
* Analysis of key supply-side and demand trends
* Historic volumes and values, company and brand market shares
* Five year forecasts of market trends and market growth
* Robust and transparent market research methodology, conducted in-country
Our market research reports answer questions such as:
* What is the market size of Laundry Care in Slovenia?
* What are the major brands in Slovenia?
* What is the performance of concentrated liquid detergents?
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"Laundry Care in Slovenia" is now available at Fast Market Research
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