Regenerative medicine is a process of regenerating cells, tissues, and organs to restore normal function in a diseased organ. This branch of tissue engineering and molecular biology is promising and is driven by demand from patients, development of cell therapy, tissue scaffold, and gene therapy products, and increase in the number of pipeline products.
Technavio's analysts forecast the global regenerative medicine market to grow at a CAGR of 20.7% during the period 2016-2020.
Covered in this report
The report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global regenerative medicine market for 2016-2020. To calculate the market size, we used the revenue generated from the sales of various types of regenerative medicine products.
The market is divided into the following segments based on geography:
* Americas
Technavio's report, Global Regenerative Medicine Market 2016-2020, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.
Full Report Details at
Key vendors
* Acelity
* Medtronic
* MiMedx Group
* Organogenesis
* UniQure
* Zimmer Biomet
Other prominent vendors
* ACE Surgical Supply
* Acologix
* Advanced Biologics
* AlloCure
* Allosource
* Alphatec Spine
* Altrika
* Amorcyte
* Anterogen
* Antibe Therapeutics
* Astellas Pharma
* Athersys
* Avita Medical
* AxoGen
* Bacterin International
* Baxter
* Bellicum Pharmaceuticals
* BioCardia
* Biogen Idec
* BioRestorative Therapies
* Biostage Technologies
* Bluebird Bio
* BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics
* Caladrius Biosciences
* Calimmune
* Capricor Therapeutics
* Celgene
* Cell Medica
* CellSeed
* Cell Therapy
* Celyad
* CRC for Cell Therapy Manufacturing
* Cryolife
* Cynata Therapeutics
* Cytori Therapeutics
* Dendreon
* DiscGenics
* Fate Therapeutics
* Fibrocell Science
* Forticell Bioscience
* Fortress Biotech
* Gamida Cell
* Geron
* GlaxoSmithKline
* Healthpoint
* Histogen
* Histogenics
* Holostem Terapie Avanzate
* Humacyte
* ImmunoCellular Therapeutics
* Integra LifeSciences
* Intercytex
* InVivo Therapeutics
* iSTO Technologies
* Janssen Pharma
* Juno Therapeutics
* Juventas Therapeutics
* Kensey Nash
* Kiadis Pharma
* Kinetic Concept
* LifeCell
* LifeNet Health
* Living Cell Technologies
* Lonza
* MaxCyte
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"Global Regenerative Medicine Market 2016-2020" Published
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Contact Name: Bill Thompson
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Contact Phone: 1-413-485-7001