CRM i3 - Advanced features Sales tool

From: Bricks Technologies Systems LLC
Published: Thu Nov 17 2016

1) Competitiveness: CRM i3 is a platform build to provide an edge to its users by feeding less data and receiving more output, so the sales, marketing and Customer service departments can focus on their core job leaving the customer information tracking to the system. CRM i3 along with its simplified data entry function can make the tedious task of data entry into simplified task that is less time consuming.

2) Organize Client information: From attracting a client to a conversation, getting them excited about your product or services till converting them in to profitable business all information during this period can be easily captured in CRM i3 and can be utilized, edited and used by people allowed to access this information. CRM i3 has well defined masters that once feeded with the data will provide reports using this information into multiple combinations.

3) Informed Decision: In this rapidly changing environment with faster changing technology, company’s decision making are always attached to a risk factor. These risk factors can only be reduced with calculated risk or informed decision making. With CRM i3 informed decision making is the goal of entire system as it track all the uncontrollable variables and closely monitor it to present the exact status of the prospect/client as and when required.

4) Control over Sales Function: In CRM i3 a company can define multiple stages of their sales process. These stages differ from company to company depending on their business process. With CRM i3 it becomes very easy to view the stage at which a prospect is maturing and accordingly it provides control over the sales function. For instance, if, a bottleneck is found in closing stage then company can analysis their pricing strategy, if there are not much leads for sales people to work on then management can increase marketing activities.

5) Continuity & Customer retention: Many statistics show that it is 7 to 10 times more expensive to add new client than to resell to existing clients. In the present economic scenario and competitive environment client acquisition has become a dedicated and expensive task as the cost of sales has increased adding to sales overhead and marketing cost. In these situation it is extremely important to get continuous business from acquired clients. With CRMi3 companies can be rest assured that they can benefit regularly from their existing clients by servicing them on timely fashion.
Company: Bricks Technologies Systems LLC
Contact Name: brickstechnologies
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