Though acupuncture is more than a thousand years old treatment, it has not been long since experts have actually started realizing its efficacy as an anxiety buster. So, this particular discovery definitely calls for a more detailed discussion on Acupuncture Anxiety. So, let us browse further and find out what experts have to say about it.
Why you need to know about Qi while learning about Acupuncture Anxiety
Acupuncture, the ancient Chinese cure, works on the basis of the movement of the energy flow called "Qi". It’s your Qi which flows throughout your body through quite a few meridians and pathways. Health issues are primarily a result of the disruptions in the path of Qi. These disruptions are primarily caused by poor nutrition, stress, injury or for that matter your inability to deal with environmental changes. The balance of Qi is restored with the help of acupuncture – i.e. by inserting needles at specific points in your body.
What’s revealed by the Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies?
Now, claims regarding the direct connection between acupuncture and reduced anxiety are not totally unfounded or presumptuous. It was in October 2013 that the Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies published (online) the results of a study where students who underwent a 20-minute acupuncture session were found to be less anxious than those who didn’t undergo any such treatment. The former group showed better memory as well. Acupuncture works for patients suffering from anxiety because it aids your body to gain control over things that had somehow gone beyond its control when you were anxious.
Make sure you’re considering help from a well-known wellness center where acupuncturists will evaluate your medical condition and history thoroughly before treating you. Go online to initiate your research today. Read reviews. Seek recommendations from friends and other trusted sources as well.
Acupuncture Anxiety: A few facts that you need to know
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