Hybrid Holdings services finally available to the public!

From: Hybrid Stock Exchange
Published: Wed Feb 08 2017

Previously, we only did business privately through referrals from satisfied clients but the demand rose significantly, which persuaded us to finally introduce our services to the public. Due to this high demand, we will only be accepting a limited number of clients per year.

This service includes, but is not limited to, the following specifications:

Stock Market Listing – Listing you on any stock exchange worldwide.

Legal Remedies – Any aggrieved party has recourse to take issues of any matter, in respect of all decisions taken on the basis of the present Fee Regulations, to the courts of law.

Business Plan – We create a comprehensive and professional business plan for your company.

Company Profile – We create a professional and concise company profile which takes into account the size of your company.

Prospectus Plan – We create a professional and comprehensive public offer prospectus plan.

Online Marketing – All relevant social media (mainly Facebook & Twitter), Search Engine Optimization as well as posting on thousands of news portals.

In addition, new services are introduced to the Public Sector:

ISIN Creation – Complete application for the ISIN.

International Financial Reporting Standards – Use of the IFRS for the public company financial statements.

Securitization – International Securitization Report and Management.

Kindly visit our website www.hhpty.com for more information as well as the price list.

Company: Hybrid Stock Exchange
Contact Name: HYBSE
Contact Email: jm@hhpty.com
Contact Phone: 0871513822

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