6th International Conference on Neurodegenerative Disorders & Stroke

From: Pulsus Group
Published: Wed Sep 06 2017

Pulsus group is organizing 6th International Conference on Neurodegenerative Disorders and Stroke" to be held on July 05-06, 2018 in Vienna, Austria where all the participants from whole around the world are invited to participate. The conference will be organized around the theme ‘Melioration in Innovations with advancement in Neurodegenerative disorders and Stroke’. Stroke 2018 will facilitate with new insights for Neurodegenerative Disorders and Stroke expertise, researchers and professors, scientific communities, therapists, counselors, delegates, industry experts as well as industry partners, investors, government representatives, executives, academics and other stakeholders.

Company: Pulsus Group
Contact Name: Chris Von
Contact Email: chrisvonstroke2018@gmail.com
Contact Phone: 8000085419

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