Every day, there are countless germs and bacteria that evade the body. Some are good while others are bad. You need to do full body rejuvenation in order to restore your system. Blissful Relaxation Float offers floating which is a method of attaining the deepest relaxation one can experience. With Full Body SPA you can relax and revive your overall health and wellness at blissfulrelaxationfloat.com.
You will need to restore the body from head to toe and that can be done with floating. Floating is a method of attaining the deepest rest that humankind has ever experienced. Essentially, it’s spending 90 minutes or more lying quietly in the dark, suspended in a warm solution of Epsom salt, 10 inches deep, and so dense that you float effortlessly. In short, it’s complete mental and physical relaxation.
SPA Louisville offers the services to float your body in Epsom salt. The salt can bring out the toxins in the body and it only takes about 90 minutes. Take this time to relax and enjoy your full body detoxification. Floating in Epsom salt will draw the toxins out of your body for good.
Blissful Relaxation offers float which is blissfully comfortable and deeply relaxed way to good health. When floating you’re as close as you are ever likely to be to an experience of weightlessness; and, surprisingly, there is no feeling of being confined in a tight space.
Blissful Relaxation offers private service of float at Membership fee of $50 each month for a minimum of 3 consecutive months which includes one float. Each additional float will also be only $50. Memberships are shareable and can be cancelled after 3 months with one simple phone call. Try a float for $70 if you are not looking for any commitment.
About Blissful Relaxation:
Blissful Relaxation is Louisville's only float room center featuring king size ocean float rooms. Floating is a method of attaining the deepest relaxation one can experience. Now you can relax and revive your overall health and wellness at blissfulrelaxationfloat.com