A camping tent is a shelter consisting of sheets of fabric or other material draped over a frame, the fabric is attached to poles or is fixed with a supporting rope. While smaller tents may be free-standing or attached to the ground, large tents are usually anchored using ropes tied to stakes or tent pegs. First used as portable homes by nomads and soldiers, tents are now more often utilized for recreational camping and as temporary shelters. Camping tents used for recreational camping mostly include hiking, camping, trekking, and mountaineering. With increasing outdoor activities occurring all over the globe, the demand for camping tents is increasing by the day, thus giving rise to a distinct Camping Tents Market from a global perspective.
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Tents for recreational camping fall into two categories. Tents intended to be carried by backpackers are the smallest and lightest type. Small tents may be sufficiently light as that they can be carried for long distances on a touring bicycle, a boat, or backpacking. The second type comprises larger, heavier tents which are usually carried in a car or other vehicle. Depending on tent size and the experience of the person or people involved, such tents can usually be assembled between five and twenty five minutes.
Indulging in outdoor recreation activities is becoming one of the most popular trends among consumers across the globe. While leading a fast-paced lifestyle and hectic routines, consumers feel the need to get involved in outdoor recreation activities such as backpacking and camping. The Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) stated that consumers spend over US$ 887 billion each year on various outdoor recreation activities like camping. It directly signifies that increasing sales of camping gear such as camping tents, which is likely to support the growth of the camping tents market. The OIA also states that, each year, American consumers spend around US$ 31.2 billion on camping gear and accessories such as camping tents. The continuous economic growth of the outdoor recreation industry and gaining popularity of camping among consumers is triggering the rapid growth of the camping tents market.
The National Forest System (NFS) and the US Department of Agriculture conducted a survey in 2017, which states that annually, more than 148 million people travel with various outdoor pursuits. According to OIA, over the last decade, around 50% of all Americans participated in various outdoor activities. It also states that the number may outgrow in the upcoming years. Identifying the potential of economic growth in the rapidly expanding outdoor recreation industry, many governments are making strategic investments in the industry. Governments are creating smart policies to foster outdoor recreation and improve the outdoor economy, which can complement the expansion of the camping tents market. Manufacturers can benefit from various government policies and strategies to improve their sales across the globe.
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With the increasing growth of the outdoor recreation industry and popularity of camping activities, competition in the camping tents market has intensified over the past few years. Leading camping tent manufacturers are making use of unique fabrics to introduce innovative camping tents in the market to differentiate their range of products. With a huge number of consumers participating in camping activities for various purposes, demand for camping tent remains dynamic. It is driving manufacturers to develop need-specific designs of camping tents and make use of appropriate tent fabric. Making various types of camping tents available in the market can help camping tent manufacturers and distributors to gain a competitive edge in the camping tent market in the upcoming years.
Manufacturers are using various fabric materials such as polyethylene, polyester, cotton, and UV-Tex 5 to develop highly efficient and durable camping tents suitable for various camping activities. Polyester camping tents are extremely popular among consumers, as they are cheaper and require less maintenance as compared to other types of camping tents. Also, the combination of polyester and cotton is gaining popularity among manufacturers as well as consumers in the camping tent market. Most manufacturers are using polyethylene for the floors of camping tents, as polyethylene is heavy, thick, and durable. Also, using various materials such as fiberglass, steel, and aluminum alloy to make tentpole is gaining popularity among manufacturers to improve the durability and reliability of camping tents.
The use of unique fabric for camping tents can help manufacturers to differentiate their product range. In addition, market players are also focusing on introducing innovative designs of camping tents to attract a larger consumer base across the globe. Nordisk – a Danish manufacturer of camping equipment – recently designed a camping tent resembling the traditional nomadic tepees, which is called ‘Alfheim’. This camping tent is inspired by the shape of nomadic tepees, which is made of cotton and is easy to build. Nordisk tested the strength and resistance level of Alfheim to the wind in a professional wind tunnel, to define the reliability of these tends to be used as camping tents.
Similarly, SmithFly – an American outdoor equipment company – recently introduced a floating camping tent, which is called ‘Shoal Tent’. The tent structure and the "six-inch thick drop stitched" base are inflatable, and the base acts as an air mattress. Also, comfort and ease of use of camping tents remain important factors that can impact the purchasing decisions of consumers. Developing such innovative types of camping tent can help market players to attract a huge number of consumers and establish a stronger position in the camping tents market.
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