Global Executive coach Stuart Ross has released his latest book, The Scale-Up Leader, to help businesses in the UK and overseas gain the leadership skills they need to thrive in 2022 and beyond.
Ross works with ambitious leaders of fast-growing businesses who recognise they need cutting edge skills and proven strategies to stay ahead of competitors. His High Growth Methodology has been delivered to over 2,500 businesses in Europe, the US and Asia.
"My new book, The Scale-Up Leader, is a culmination of the insights and ideas I have gleaned while working with effective business leaders around the world," says Ross, founder of Nottingham-headquartered accredited coaching company High Growth.
"I'd suggest this is the first book to really address the true reasons companies scale successfully - via the hard work and skills of their leaders. They need the mindset, vision, belief, habits and tools to grow. This book is about developing and honing the best leadership skills to help scale your business successfully."
But what is a scale-up business? In short, it's scaling up a business to new heights. According to the OECD definition, scale-up companies have achieved average annualised returns of at least 20% in the past three years and employ at least 10 staff.
The Scale-up Leader is a practical toolkit of resources for senior business stakeholders and entrepreneurs, including:
· 10 Scale-Up Leadership Characteristics - Learn the strategies that must be mastered if you want to take you and your business to the next level.
· Are You Committed? Or Simply Interested? - Taking the leap into scale-up leadership can feel like the second step on a high-wire tightrope.
· How to Enjoy the Journey - You must decide how fast you want to grow. Your growth journey is exactly that - yours.
· Are You Ready to Grow? - The scale-up leader must be ready to grasp opportunities. This book will help you identify and seize them.
Other chapters include How to Develop the Right Habits; First, Who. Then, What; Letting Go; and Get The Growth Mindset.
"The challenge is that there are a lot of organisations which really haven't got the skills or the leadership to actually go and scale-up from where they are now," adds Ross. "I've had the good fortune to teach and coach in the scale-up field for the last 15 years. But I actually spend comparatively little time teaching what companies should be doing.
"What I do spend the bulk of my time on is working with some of the most successful business leaders around the world, making sure they've got the right mindset, making sure they are committed, making sure they've got themselves in the right place in terms of beliefs, habits, values and identities."
The 221-page book is full of Ross's pragmatic, real-world experience. Full of anecdotes, stories and examples, each easily-read chapter includes exercises and coaching questions. His approach identifies common characteristics of great leaders, and asks the reader to consider their life stage, aspirations and characteristics. The clear, concise book sets a new benchmark for scale-up leadership. If you have the drive and ambition to take your company to the next level, "The Scale-Up Leader: Your Guide to the Next Level of Success" needs to be your next must-read.
5/5 stars, The definitive guide: "The definitive book for the Scale Up Leader, Stuart Ross has done it again with his practical style, packed with real-life actionable advice for the High Growth Leader, great book. Must read."
5/5 stars, Essential reading for ambitious entrepreneurs: "I really enjoyed this book. It's straight to the point, packed full of great ideas and practical tools. Too often I end up reading books like this, but don't end up applying anything. The coaching sections really help overcome this, enabling me to reflect on what I'd learnt and come away with some key actions I could implement immediately. Definitely recommend!"
5/5 stars, Masterclass in Scaling Up: "This is a great book on how to scale your business. The content is extremely well put together and there are practical tips and tools throughout which make it easy to put the ideas into practice. The main take out for me was having the right mindset for scaling up, which many people overlook. I found this book to be a real masterclass in how to scale your business."
More reviews can be found on The Scale-Up Leader's Amazon product page:
After a successful corporate career, Stuart Ross followed his passion of helping both individuals and companies realise their potential and moved into personalised coaching and training with an emphasis on total improvement. He founded High Growth in 2012 with a focus on growth organisations. Stuart quickly developed an enviable global reputation. With the publication of his top-selling books Needle Movers and Secrets of High Growth Companies, and the launch of the High Growth Academy, Stuart gained recognition across the UK and internationally. Today, a network of accredited coaches deliver the High Growth methodology. In 2021, High Growth introduced a new series of retreats for business leaders - more at
Image of Stuart Ross: Scale-up Leader book cover: professionals can order a free review copy of the new book or multiple copies for competition prizes - contact to find out more.
About Stuart Ross:
High Growth is represented by SpecialNoise - contact, or call 0747 9447576, for more information; or to reach Stuart Ross.