Giunti Labs presents, at two major US conferences, its new Online and Mobile learning content manage

From: Giunti Labs
Published: Fri Oct 17 2008

At Learning 2008, Giunti Labs – via Bryan Eldridge, Chief Solutions Architect of Giunti Labs North America and Michael Wallace, Area Manager, Giunti Labs North America – will be moderating two sessions at the conference: ‘A comprehensive mobile learning strategy for your organisation’ and ‘Better business objectives for enterprise learning’.

"We will be discussing how translating business objectives, such as increased revenues, process improvements, enhanced client relations and competitive advantage, into the learning organisation vernacular can provides a baseline of accepted approaches and a framework with which to measure learning outcomes," said Eldridge.

Wallace added: "Nearly every organisation sees the potential in using mobile devices for their learners yet many questions and concerns are keeping some of them stuck at the starting gate. These questions include, ‘will my learners accept learning content on a mobile device?’, ‘What types of learning are best suited for mobile delivery?’, ‘Will I be able to track mobile learning on my LMS?’ and ‘Will I have to recreate existing content so that it can be displayed on a mobile device?’.

"This session will cover these questions and more as part of a discussion on identifying the key elements for creating a mobile learning strategy for organizations."

Simultaneously, Giunti Labs’ CEO, Fabrizio Cardinali, is giving a keynote presentation at the NACOL Virtual School Symposium (VSS), being held in Phoenix, Arizona, on 27th October. This event, being held on 27th and 28th October, brings together over 800 representatives from national, state, district, private and other virtual school programmes to attend the industry’s leading event in K-12 online learning.

Cardinali, who is also joint-chair of the European Learning Industry Group (ELIG), a group which encompasses all major European Union (EU) stakeholders in the learning industry innovation cycle, is addressing ‘Innovating e-learning for the knowledge society – global challenges, threats and opportunities’.

According to Cardinali, the EU faces many of the same challenges that are also facing the United States.

In his presentation, he will offer an overview of the future of learning and how the EU is approaching educational strategies in dealing with globalisation and a knowledge-based economy. Specifically, he will discuss new trends in digital learning resources, from online content to embedded assessment, as well as new delivery models through online learning distribution systems.

For further details of Cardinali’s keynote presentation visit:


About Giunti Labs
Giunti Group is unique in the international publishing industry. Giunti history goes back to 1841; since then the group has become one of the largest publishers in Italy. Over the years Giunti has built a catalogue of huge dimensions (over 7.000 titles) and acquired new brands in Italy and worldwide.
Giunti Labs, which has its global headquarters in Italy and offices in London (UK), Frankfurt (Germany), Lund (Sweden), Boston (US), as well as Sydney and Perth (Australia), provides a wide range of solutions, in response to any content, learning and knowledge management need, covering:
• Content production
• Technological solutions for content, learning & knowledge management
• Delivery solutions for mobile & wireless
• Consulting and professional services
In 2008, Giunti Labs acquired the HarvestRoad Hive digital repository system, which manages any form of content used in online learning, corporate training and knowledge management initiatives. HarvestRoad Hive can interface with practically any ERP, Learning or Course Management System and is already integrated with several commonly used course management systems, authoring and content assembly tools.
Further information from:

Minna Leikas, Giunti Labs, +39 3474435167,
Bob Little, Bob Little Press & PR, +44 (0)1727 860405,
Company: Giunti Labs
Contact Name: Bob Little
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Contact Phone: 00 44 (0) 1727 860405

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