The Maynard wine tasting is vin-tastic!

Published: Wed Nov 05 2008

Visitors to Peak District hotel and restaurant The Maynard could have been forgiven for not realising there was a credit crunch; a wine tasting event hosted by John Hattersley at The Maynard recently was oversubscribed, with over 100 tickets sold and many more people wanting to attend.

Local vintner John Hattersley was pleased to welcome his friend and colleague, Ian Bird from Melbourne, Australia, who assisted John in describing the wines and the regions they originated from. All wines selected for the evening were from the Pacific rim region, with most coming from Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania. An Asian fusion style three course meal was prepared by The Maynard’s chefs to complement the wines on offer.

John Hattersley said: "It’s terrific to see that Paul has turned The Maynard around, both in terms of the fantastic food, the service and the décor. The all round package offered by The Maynard is now a great advert for the local area and it was quite astonishing to see so many people prepared to come out for a wine tasting on a cold and wet October evening. I have been hosting these events for many years and have rarely seen a turnout like it, which is great. I don’t think Ian could believe it; coming all the way from Australia and receiving such a welcome, it really was a brilliant evening."

Details of future Maynard wine tastings, events and offers can be found at the Maynard’s new website,

Paul Downing, director for The Maynard, said: "It was encouraging to see a full ballroom of Maynard guests enjoying the food and wine and being entertained and informed by John and Ian. The wine tasting format seems to work really well at The Maynard and we always try and price our events realistically. At £25.00 for a restaurant quality 3-course meal including all wines, we believe it offered great value and people voted with their feet."
For further information on The Maynard, telephone 01433 630321 or e-mail

Media Contact: BeyondPR. Tel: 0114 275 6996. Mob: 07930 697773.
Ref: MAY156 – Wine tasting October 2008

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